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  • Elsa Vazquez, AE

The Importance of Giving Back

Humans have a tendency to help out. We like to lift others up, build our communities, and try to make our world a better place.

Giving back can take on many different forms, but the one that humans gravitate towards is helping other humans out. Let's face it, we are a caring species that thrives on love and the need to create a positive impact with our time here on this blue dot.

With almost 77 million Americans volunteering their time, it's no secret that giving back is in an upswing. But giving back just cause it's the cool or trending thing to do should never be a driving factor. It needs to sprout from within.

Being able to contribute to a larger cause and to see the big picture for what it really is can mean so much to us at an individual level.

Tony Robbins, a philanthropist and business strategist, emphasizes the correlation between finding happiness and seeing that big picture. "If your goals aim to benefit something larger than yourself, you'll eventually be able to find a true sense of joy".

Knowing that your small donation helped someone in need or those couple of hours volunteered went towards keeping our communities clean can give you the strength to spread that positivity elsewhere.

Let the happiness that you get from giving back rub off on those around you and watch the kindness grow and grow.

The Bigger Picture - How Company Involvement Helps

As we take a step back from our individual contributions, it's important to note that group involvement in the workplace can be just as beneficial, both internally and externally.

While profits may be a driving factor of any company, not all business decisions should be determined by the pocket book. The concept of Corporate Philanthropy, as explained by Double the Donation, focuses on promoting the welfare of others through charitable donations of funds or time.

Not only will a company's involvement aim to boost morale and increase inspiration among employees, it allows an office to get in touch with the community it operates in. Linking your company's public image in a positive light is the start of a solid foundation that a company can use to drive customers towards their cause and their products.

Trending topics come and go in waves, like those fidget spinner things that were a hot flash not so long ago. This is where the big differentiator lies: you cannot jump into this for the sake of jumping into it.

Your heart needs to align with the organization or cause that you're helping out. There needs to be pure passion stemming from within in order to project that kindness outward.

With the help of you and those around you, we can try to contribute in making the world a little more Kind, one step at a time.

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