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Face Masks: Here to Stay?

As suppliers flexed their sourcing and product development muscles, a whole new category of branding was unveiled right under our noses: face masks.

This simple product has now become part of the everyday items that we leave our homes with.

But will the use of masks catch on in the United States in the long run? What markets and industries will be needing them?

As we continue into our uncertain year, taking a closer look into why masks are worn and where they'll be needed most will help gauge as to how 2020's hottest new item will fare down the road.

More than PPE

Face masks are no stranger to our world. History shows that previous pandemics forced countries to mobilize their citizens and join together to benefit the greater good. That meant wearing a face mask out in public to help prevent the spread of illness.

The act of wearing a face mask can be seen as a sign of respect in some parts of the world. If someone is sick, they wear one to prevent others from getting sick.

This notion of looking out for your fellow human was already an established practice in many countries, even in pre-pandemic times. Citizens of Japan, Hong Kong, China, and South Korea have all adopted the use of face masks as part of a normal routine. Leaving the house with one is just like grabbing your phone, wallet, or keys - It's a habit.

While face masks have been primarily seen as personal protection for health reasons, another use for them has popped up to save us from any dreaded social situations.

They can act as a type of social buffer when out in public.

Kind of how headphones are seen as the universal "don't talk to me" accessory, face masks can help in keeping others from approaching you when you want to be left alone. Especially useful for public transportation, cleverly designed masks can help keep you anonymous when out and about.

With multi-faceted uses, face mask culture might just take off in the United States. If we look at the need for a face mask beyond the scope of our current health crisis, they become a unique branding piece: another chance to show the world a slice of our personality with our outfits.

While health circumstances make it clear for the upcoming months ahead, this is one accessory that will make it part of the everyday-carry for now.

Markets to Watch

As businesses are slowly reopening, the need for masks have been seen in a variety of industries all across the nation. Super markets, restaurants, and essential services have all implemented the use of masks as a way to keep employees and customers safe.

Branded face masks are a great way to achieve brand awareness, team cohesion, and the need to establish a safe working environment. Promoting safety and unity within an organization can show to employees and customers that their health is being taken into consideration.

As we look towards the future, using a mask when going into a large public area will probably be a common sight for years to come. Trade shows, sporting events, concerts, and outdoor music festivals all have opportunities for branded face masks to be sold. They're an item that wouldn't be out of place in merchandise stores next to t-shirts, mugs, and sunglasses.

Accessorize in Style

With suppliers being able to print full color logos and designs on masks, the attention has now turned to masks being seen as a new type of fashion accessory.

Other than the standard medical white or blue that we've gotten used to, masks are now the perfect vehicle to display support for a team, cause, or organization.

Companies have been tapping into their creative minds to come up with mask designs that are colorful and match their branding. The below example from a local Chula Vista brewery shows their creativity by going with designs that are eye catching and bold.

Those is the fashion world can see masks becoming an accessory like sunglasses: functional items turned into vogue pieces. With many different styles out there, it now becomes a matter of trying a variety to see which fits your face better.

To deviate from a medical mask, consumers will be leaning towards masks that can be customized, or come in a variety of patterns and colors. If we're in this for the long haul, we might as well start to let our personalities show where our smiles cannot.

Being able to express your personality during seemingly scary times can help aid in reducing that uneasiness we feel towards our new normal. Showing uniquely branded masks can be a boost of much needed community positivity.

Even with our world being turned on its head, we always strive to make the best out of any situation. Suppliers who have developed masks from scratch and distributors who have gone on to sell PPE's to the companies that need them have shown the true perseverance of our industry.

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